Wednesday 20 January 2016

Panic station Movie script

Script for The Panic Station Movie

 Inside a hospital and a babies cry can be herd.

Mother says, we will call him Neil’.

‘7 years later’…

Neil is in a playground singing and playing football when a girl called Trish walks by and tells Neil he is good at singing.

Later Neil is playing football and all of the fans are cheering for him (camera Zooms out to a bird’s eye view)

Neil on stage singing and Trish screaming, ’I love u Neil’

Man in formal suit tells Neil he haves what it takes to be a star. Extreme close up on Neil’s face and then he says, ‘I’m going to America’.

Cuts to an establishing shot of the plane Neil is on.

Next shot is Neil getting of the plane and saying, ‘I’ve made it’.

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